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Tuesday, August 22, 2006


We’d started planning for our year-end chalet.
As a lot of you may not want to spend too much on booking a chalet, and it might be too late too book 1 now, we’ve decided to stay overnight in school, FREE!
All you have to pay for is the BBQ food.
So far, our plan is to go out in the morning and play outside, for example, escape theme park or wild wild wet, and come back at night for our BBQ in school, and we can organize night walk, or anything you guys would like to have. We can organize your own game, have free time, play together as a class etc. The organizers will be organizing some games, but we will do these after our EYE. As for our sleeping place, we can choose to have it anywhere. Air-conditioned places, or field, it’s up to our choice. Mr. Koh will help us to book with the school.

Estimated cost (so far): at least $30
Date: 2nd last week of Nov, 19th to 25th, either days of that week.

We might play waterbomb, whacko, and other games that you guys want. just give us your suggestions and we'll consider them. Pls give comments and suggestions! We need to know what all of you want eventually ya? Some may want to go to alvin's blog to look at his suggestions. pls post ur comments in our tagboard!

Any problems, suggestions or enquiries, please approach XiaoQian or Faris.

Thanks A lot!

posted by [[ 2C'06 Personal Blog ]] @ 5:39 AM